
From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
Revision as of 18:05, 24 May 2024 by Tristan Miller (talk | contribs)
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  • Administration
    • comp.sys.wearables comp.sys.wearables on Google Groups
      • Still waiting for Greg Pfeil to confirm that he's now set up to send approved posts to this group.
    • comp.protocols.dns.bind comp.protocols.dns.bind on Google Groups
      • Marco Moock has written to the moderator for an update and is awaiting a reply.
    • rec.radio.broadcasting rec.radio.broadcasting on Google Groups, comp.os.plan9 comp.os.plan9 on Google Groups
      • RL still to ping the respective correpondents.
    • misc.test.moderated misc.test.moderated on Google Groups
      • Edward McGuire wrote that, using Eternal September, he was able to post an article with an Approved header to this group, which raises the question of whether this is because (1) he asked for and was granted permission by Eternal September to make Approved posts to this particular group, (2) since Eternal September had already granted him permission to make Approved posts to another group, it allows him to make Approved posts to any group, or (3) Eternal September automatically grants all users permission to make Approved posts to this group. RL also wrote a more detailed follow-up about the operation of this group. TM, who is not registered as a moderator with Eternal September, submitted an Approved post and it went through, so the explanation must be either #2 or #3. TM will try making an Approved post to comp.ai comp.ai on Google Groups (which he moderates, but not through Eternal September) so see which of the two explanations is the correct one.
  • Infrastructure
    • Mail server
      • RL still to look into some NGP submission notifications still going to our Junk folder.
      • RL still to work on getting the webmail and admin front-ends working again.
  • Software
    • PyModerator: No further updates.
    • No response yet from Russ concerning funding work on (for example) INN. TM to ping him.
    • TM met with Varun to help him get Apache and mod_perl set up as a first step to installing (Web)STUMP. They also installed INN together and discovered that installation of the versions packaged by Debian and Ubuntu fail. TM to report this problem to Debian. Varun will continue to work on setting up INN and (Web)STUMP and contact TM whenever he is at an impasse. RL agreed to join the next meeting with Varun (possibly in the last half of the B8MB meeting slot) to offer advice on INN and (Web)STUMP.
    • RL noticed that there's a pending request from Roy Engehausen for commit access to STUMP on Savannah. TM remarked that he had contacted us in 2022 offering to contribute and that, per Minutes/2022-02-04, we had agreed to first ask him for more concrete plans. TM did so but never received a reply. TM to ping him and also let him know about the ongoing STUMP development work.
  • Publicity
    • Avery Dame-Griff has sent his paper abstract to TM. TM has written an abstract for the entire panel and circulated it to the other three co-convenors for comments/revision.
  • Misc
    • Reminder that the meeting of 31 May is cancelled.