
From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
Revision as of 21:30, 7 June 2024 by Tristan Miller (talk | contribs)
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  • Administration
    • comp.sys.wearables comp.sys.wearables on Google Groups
      • Still waiting for Greg Pfeil to confirm that he's now set up to send approved posts to this group.
    • comp.protocols.dns.bind comp.protocols.dns.bind on Google Groups
      • Marco Moock has notified us that he has not heard back from the moderator. RL to ping the moderator for an update on the gateway and to notify Marco that he has done so. If the moderator does not respond, then there may not be anything the Board can do other than entertaining an RFD to delete the group, since it likely would not see any traffic independent of the mailing list to which it is supposed to be gatewayed.
    • rec.radio.broadcasting rec.radio.broadcasting on Google Groups, comp.os.plan9 comp.os.plan9 on Google Groups
      • RL still to ping the respective correpondents.
    • misc.test.moderated misc.test.moderated on Google Groups
      • Discussion of this groups' functioning has been moved to the STUMP Developers mailing list.
  • Infrastructure
    • Mail server
      • RL still to look into some NGP submission notifications still going to our Junk folder.
      • RL still to work on getting the webmail and admin front-ends working again.
  • Software
    • No response yet from Russ concerning funding work on (for example) INN. TM wrote to Todd McComb who indicated that he's not aware of any big backlog of work, and suggested that we check out the INN development discussions on news.software.nntp news.software.nntp on Google Groups. TM to follow Todd's suggestion and to ping Russ again to see if he has any ideas.
    • TM wrote to Wayne Mery, Community Manager at Thunderbird, to ask about funding work on improving Thunderbird's news support. Wayne indicated that the team is busy with the upcoming 128 release and suggested that we ask again after this release, or in the fall. TM will continue to discuss the matter with him.
    • TM and RL have been corresponding with Varun to help him get set up with (Web)STUMP.
    • TM has invited Roy Engehausen to join the STUMP Developers list, and he's accepted.
  • Publicity
    • TM submitted a panel proposal to DigiCAM25 to be co-organized and presented by TM, RL, Katie Szilagyi, and Avery Dame-Griff. Notifications expected in early August 2024.