From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
From: (The Big-8 Management Board) Subject: RFD: remove moderated (LAST CALL FOR COMMENTS) Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,,, comp.multimedia Followup-To: news.groups Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 13:58:40 -0800 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) remove This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) to remove the moderated newsgroup PROCEDURE: The B8MB plans to begin voting on this proposal after five days. Please offer any final discussion or comments before the end of this waiting period. Voting may take up to one week (7 days); a result will be posted following the end of the voting period. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. The full group removal procedure is documented here: SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: No comments were received. RATIONALE: remove There have been no approved messages since January 1997. This group may be a candidate for conversion to a status of unmoderated, or the assignment of a new moderator. "multimedia" is somewhat of a spam magnet, and the use of multimedia in education too diffuse of a topic for an unmoderated newsgroup to work. When the group was actively moderated, a large share of the content was announcments of multimedia products, and increasing of web sites, so hand moderation might be necessary to provide a forum for discussion and posting of questions about resources. HISTORY: The newsgroup was created in March 1994. Traffic was fairly steady (50-150) messages per month, until September 1996, when there was an interruption. In mid-October, there was an apology from the moderator, indicating that he had been trying an automated script that hadn't actually posted the messages, followed by posting of a month's worth of messages. There were then no more messages until January 1997, when 10 a final messages were posted. In June 1997, there was some discussion about trying to revive the group. One of the participants indicated that he had tried to contact the moderator without success. DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups comp.multimedia CHARTER: The newsgroup line is: Multimedia for education. The charter from the CFV: The proposed newsgroup,, would deal with the interface of teaching and technology, including: ** who has created what multimedia program for what piece of curriculum; ** where can one get training in this area; and ** which pieces of multimedia technology seems to work in the classroom, and which do not. The larger arena of training (i.e. business) will be also addressed. PROPONENT: Jim Riley <> CHANGE HISTORY: 2006-11-07 2nd RFD/LCC 2006-10-26 1st RFD