Present: Bill Horne (BH), Kathy Morgan (KM), Fred Goldstein (FG), Jason Evans (JE), Tristan Miller (TM)
KM reported that she is still moderating news.announce.newgroups , which has not received submissions in a while. The B8MB is responsible for moderating news.announce.newgroups
, news.announce.important
, and news.admin.moderation
. The moderation software is a STUMP instance running on Panix. KM has just renewed the Panix account for another year at a cost of $100. BH has the login information.
BH has prepared a handover document. The Board's wiki is hosted on a site run by Roman Racine, who has offered help to migrate it off to new hosting. The Board has an e-mail alias on GSuite that costs $6/month/user unless it can prove to Google that it is a non-profit organization. Tim Skirvin has been providing the Board with DNS; the Board will need to get in touch with him to re-point the big-8.org name to new hosting. There exists a static copy of the Board's wiki on tokak.us.
KM said that the Board has a set of rules and policies that it is free to change. The Board posts occasional announcements on news.announce.newgroups when it makes significant changes to the rules and policies.
BH and KM agreed to post such an announcement on the Board's new membership.
KM observed that under the current policies, when the Board is down to two members, it needs to appoint a third member.
FG, BH, and KM unanimously elected JE and TM as Board members.
FG and KM offered to stay on the Board's mailing list, but said they were resigning from the Board.
It was agreed to drop the Board's GSuite account in favour of a self-hosted mail server. BH to nuke the GSuite account.
BH said that the Board can continue to reach him by e-mail, but that it should not publicize his e-mail address. He can receive X509-encrypted messages.