From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
Present: TM, JE
- Publicity
- JE's report on hosting an AMA on Reddit:
- All we need to do is start a new thread and then publicize it (elsewhere on Reddit/Internet)
- Can't have more than one account answering questions
- Defer scheduling until we get RL's input
- TM reported that he posted the announcement on the Board's finances to s7apv9$1ve$1@dont-email.me
, Nan:2021-05-10-board-finances, Twitter, and Facebook.
- TM recalled that in our meeting with Pia of Open Collective, she offered to do some sort of a write-up on us for the Open Collective newsletter. JE to e-mail her to take her up on this offer.
- The meeting discussed whether to post our press release to Slashdot; agreed to defer consideration of this until after we hear back from Pia.
- JE still to check on Open Collective merchandise options
- JE's report on hosting an AMA on Reddit:
- Administration
- No further response from Geoff Wood regarding the PCDAW proposal; agreed to defer the matter indefinitely.
- Big-8 signing key update
- JE heard back from Julian via news.software.nntp
that the new experimental key seems to be working, but that they want to continue testing it a while longer
- JE heard back from Julian via news.software.nntp
- Dead groups survey/removal
- JE had previously reported no response to a public consultation, though it seems there has now been some pushback. JE still looking into the actual procedure that was used last time.
- Infrastructure
- JE reported that (Web)STUMP documentation restructuring/conversion to Texinfo is still underway.
- Misc
- The meeting reviewed the Board's open tasks and agreed to revisit the list once RL was present
- JE: No response yet from Ronda Hauben.