
From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
  • Administration
    • comp.sys.wearables comp.sys.wearables on Google Groups
      • Still waiting for Greg Pfeil to confirm that he's now set up to send approved posts to this group.
    • comp.protocols.dns.bind comp.protocols.dns.bind on Google Groups
      • No response yet from moderator re status of gateway.
    • rec.radio.broadcasting rec.radio.broadcasting on Google Groups, comp.os.plan9 comp.os.plan9 on Google Groups
      • RL still to ping the respective correpondents.
    • news.newusers.questions news.newusers.questions on Google Groups and news.announce.newusers news.announce.newusers on Google Groups
      • No further updates
    • talk.origins talk.origins on Google Groups
      • E-mail from Todd Mitchell McComb regarding a problem with the moderation system. From the procmail error message reproduced in the e-mail, it seems to be a problem with the system receiving the submissions, and so there is probably nothing the Board can do except help coordinate others to fix things. However, it seems posts are currently going through to the newsgroup; it's not clear whether this means the problem has been completely solved or whether it is still affecting some submissions. Agreed that TM would contact the moderator and/or reporter to ask whether the problem is still reproducible, and to keep Todd apprised.
  • Infrastructure
    • RL upgraded SSH on the server in light of a recently announced security vulnerability.
    • RL has updated our spam filter so that NGP submission notifications no longer go to our Junk folder.
    • RL has fixed the mail server backup script, which has stopped daily nag e-mails and will now make it easier to get the webmail and admin front-ends working again.
    • RL still to work on getting the webmail and admin front-ends working again.
  • Website
  • Software/funding
    • TM: No update yet on GPG signing best practices on Savannah
    • No response yet from Wayne Mery re Thunderbird roadmap. TM will ping him once he has access to his personal e-mail again.
    • E-mail from Russ Allbery re INN development. Russ indicates that he has no time to propose or supervise any projects, but suggests getting in touch with Julien, who does most of the INN development these days. TM to reply and write to Julien.
    • E-mail from Paul Schleck inquiring whether the Board would like to assume maintenance of auto-faq. Agreed that TM would reply that we don't currently have the bandwidth for this.
  • Publicity
  • Misc
    • Correspondence concerning group administration. Agreed to defer.
    • The meeting revisited the question of Board membership in light of JE's continued unavailability following his move. Agreed to defer further consideration until next meeting.