From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
Present: TM, RL, MM
- Administration
- comp.sys.wearables
- Still waiting for Greg Pfeil to confirm that he's now set up to send approved posts to this group.
- comp.protocols.dns.bind
- No response yet from moderator re status of gateway. MM to review the Board's past correspondence with the moderator and to discuss some options with the moderator, including drawing their attention to the NNTP gateway functionality of Mailman 3.
- rec.radio.broadcasting
- The volunteer has responded confirming their interest and requesting further information. RL has provided this and is awaiting a response.
- comp.os.plan9
- RL has pinged the volunteer one further time but has received no response.
- RL noticed that the group previously had a gateway to a mailing list.
- MM offered to initiate an MVI, so will prepare a post for review by RL and TM.
- news.newusers.questions
and news.announce.newusers
- Kathy reported that she doesn't recall the exact licensing terms for the FAQs but believes they are in the public domain. RL to add a notice to this effect to the relevant pages imported into our wiki.
- RL knows which FAQs need to be periodically posted. TM said we wouldn't want to post these with MediaWiki markup, so we would either have to convert these, or just post links to the Web versions.* RL to convert the periodic postings and set up the infrastructure to actually post them. Once this is done, we will activate it and post an announcement that we've taken over moderatorship.
- comp.sys.wearables
- Infrastructure
- RL has set up Marco's accounts, and Jonathan Kamens has set him up on the news.groups.proposals
STUMP instance.
- TM to send Marco the Twitter credentials.
- RL has set up Marco's accounts, and Jonathan Kamens has set him up on the news.groups.proposals
- Software/funding
- RL approved GP's request to join the (Web)STUMP projects on Savannah
- TM: No update yet on GPG signing best practices on Savannah
- Thunderbird 128 contact deferred pending correspondence with Julien re INN.
- Response from Julien re INN suggesting that we build a GUI for INN configuration. TM to respond.
- TM indicated that there may not be enough time left to prepare a proposal for NGI, since his institute imposes an earlier deadline to review the proposal internally. RL to review the NGI application form with a view to determining whether it would be possible for him to make any headway on it before TM is available, but if not, TM will get to it once he is available, or failing this will retarget the application to OTF IFF, which accepts applications on a rolling basis.
- Misc
- TUGboat article: RL has expanded the draft to 800 words and will send it to TM and MM. TM will prepare a LaTeX version on Overleaf for further collaboration.
- The Board received another e-mail of thanks from Bill Horne. RL to respond.
- The Board received an e-mail from Paul Schleck congratulating MM's appointment to the Board and suggesting some further advocacy work for the Board. Agreed that we would read the suggestions and linked material with a view to discussing them at a future meeting.
- Agreed to cancel the next meeting due to unavailability of TM and possible unavailability of MM.