
From Usenet Big-8 Management Board

Present: RL, MM. TM sent his apologies that he could not attend due to a last-minute emergency.

  • Administration
    • comp.sys.wearables comp.sys.wearables on Google Groups
      • No response yet from the volunteer moderator.
    • comp.protocols.dns.bind comp.protocols.dns.bind on Google Groups
      • No response yet from the moderator.
    • rec.radio.broadcasting rec.radio.broadcasting on Google Groups
      • No response yet from the volunteer moderator.
    • comp.os.plan9 comp.os.plan9 on Google Groups
      • MM has prepared an MVI post for review by RL and TM. RL and TM to send comments.
    • news.newusers.questions news.newusers.questions on Google Groups and news.announce.newusers news.announce.newusers on Google Groups
      • TM and MM have sent FAQ revisions to RL. RL to apply the changes and circulate a final version before posting.
    • comp.lang.asm.x86 comp.lang.asm.x86 on Google Groups
      • The Board received a reply from Terje Mathisen, who hosts the submission mailbox for the newsgroup. He would be happy to take over as moderator, and asked for suggestions for moderation software.
      • In a post made to alt.lang.asm, Robert Prins also expressed interest in moderating the group, but did not want to act as the sole moderator.
      • RL replied to Terje Mathisen with software suggestions, and mentioned that he and Robert Prins could form a moderation team if desired. RL also sent a message to Robert Prins to suggest forming a moderation team.
      • RL posted an MVI for the newsgroup.
  • Infrastructure
    • MM added IPv6 support to the Board's web and email hosting, and asked for reports of anything that did not work as expected.
    • MM has created an account on his server for backing up data from the Board's Contabo VPS and Panix account. MM/RL to produce cron jobs to automatically back up the data using rsync or similar.
  • Software/funding
    • TM: No update yet on GPG signing best practices on Savannah
    • Thunderbird 128 contact deferred given Julien's comments on INN.
    • TM still to respond to Julien.
    • RL has not yet had a chance to examine the NGI application forms, though TM said that at this point it's unlikely we'd make its deadline.
    • Sovereign Tech Fund: no further updates.
  • Misc
    • TUGboat article
      • RL to review MM's contributions and edit as necessary.
    • Paul Schleck proposals: No progress.
    • DigiCAM25 (a.k.a. BDCAM25)
      • RL to contact the organizers to inquire about the event setup with a view to determining whether he could attend in person or remotely. RL to inform TM about this, and TM to poll Katie and Avery and then inform the organizers whether the panel will be in-person or online (or maybe hybrid, if this is allowed).