From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
Present: RL, TM, MM
- Administration
- rec.arts.comics.reviews
and rec.arts.comics.info
- TM posted the RFD. Tim Skirvin responded that he's not aware of anyone having taken over rec.arts.comics.reviews
and doesn't remember if anyone else moderated either group. Agreed to let the RFD continue for at least a couple weeks.
- TM posted the RFD. Tim Skirvin responded that he's not aware of anyone having taken over rec.arts.comics.reviews
- comp.sys.wearables
- No response yet from Greg Pfeil to RL's offer of 2024-11-15 to (temporarily) host a STUMP installation for the group, pending setup of his own moderation system.
- comp.protocols.dns.bind
- Last contact from Dan Mahoney on 2024-10-26. Agreed to defer consideration a while longer.
- rec.radio.broadcasting
- Last contact from Jay Henning on 2024-10-31. Agreed that RL would write again to indicate that the Board will proceed with its vote if no meaningful progress on moderation is made by 2024-12-06.
- comp.os.plan9
- Anthony confirmed that moderation infrastructure is in place. TM to write to him for the details so that we can forward these to the ISC; once the group is confirmed to be working again we'll close the MVI and announce the change in moderator.
- comp.lang.asm.x86
- No further activity on the MVI since 2024-11-01, and last contact with Terje Mathisen on 2024-10-18. RL still to write to Terje Mathisen and encourage him to get in touch with the other volunteers.
- news.groups.proposals
- RL has confirmed the STUMP instance is working, and the ISC has been notified of the new submission address.
- RL changed the MX records on ngp.big-8.org to point to our own mail server and set up aliases for the old addresses to forward to us.
- RL to set up STUMP accounts for MM and TM.
- The group's signing key uses the e-mail address ngp-approval-key@ngp.big-8.org. Agreed to leave this as-is for now, as this is just an identifier. We can later consider adding a new identity with a new address, and/or upgrading to a GPGv2 key.
- news.newusers.questions
and news.announce.newusers
- RL to set up STUMP accounts for MM and TM.
- Moderated groups without moderators
- MM noted that the submission address for comp.compression.research
(at albasani.net, whose registrant passed away) is no longer working. Agreed that we would consider an MVI in the near future.
- MM noted that there are a further 140 moderated groups with a submission address set to mod-bounce.no-mod-info@isc.org. Agreed that we should do a mass MVI/RFD for these in the near future, after reviewing how mass group removals were done in the past.
- MM noted that the submission address for comp.compression.research
- rec.arts.comics.reviews
- Infrastructure
- MM has no accounts on services that Jitsi Meet uses for authentication. RL to try authenticating to Jitsi (via a third-party service such as Google, Facebook, or GitHub) before joining the meeting room to see if this lets him in. This can be tested at any time.
- MM has set up a moderation relay on his own infrastructure and informed Todd, but this is not yet active with ISC.
- Status of cron jobs for offsite backups: No further progress by RL.
- Status of remote monitoring: No further progress by MM.
- Software/funding
- TM: No update yet on GPG signing best practices on Savannah
- Thunderbird 128 contact deferred given Julien's comments on INN.
- TM still to respond to Julien.
- OTF IFF/NGI0/Sovereign Tech Fund: no further updates
- Misc
- Paul Schleck proposals: no further progress.
- Agreed to cancel the 29 November meetings in light of TM's unavailability and RL's potential unavailability.