From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
From: (Big-8 Management Board) Subject: RESULT: comp.binaries.apple2 will be removed. Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups, comp.binaries.apple2, comp.sys.apple2, comp.sys.apple2.usergroups Followup-To: news.groups Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:34:33 -0700 RESULT remove comp.binaries.apple2 The Big-8 Management Board has decided by consensus to remove the newsgroup comp.binaries.apple2. Voting began on 20 Jun 2006, and ended on 21 Jun 2006. The group will be removd on 23 Jun 2006. RATIONALE: comp.binaries.apple2 Right now, there is only one unmoderated binary group in the Big Eight, namely comp.binaries.apple2. There are three major reasons to remove this newsgroup: * The Apple ][ platform is fairly obsolete, and while binaries for that platform may still be of interest to emulator buffs, there are lots of web sites from which one can obtain such binaries or even upload new ones. There really doesn't seem to be much point in having a Usenet newsgroup for the distribution of such binaries. * Because the group is unmoderated, it is used for all sorts of binaries that have nothing to do with the Apple ][. Because it's a Big Eight group, it's widely propagated and therefore is a useful place for binary posters who want to get their binaries to systems that don't carry alt.binaries.*. This is an obvious abuse of what the Big Eight is for. * As an unmoderated binary group, the traffic in this group has from time to time exceeded the combined traffic of the entire rest of the hierarchy and is often a substantial percentage of the rest of the hierarchy. Andrew Gierth from Supernews has posted statistics to news.groups in the past. A 1992 vote to moderate the group failed 99:64:2. Some additional history of the group, as reported by Jim Riley: It was created in April 1988. Voting concluded on 8 April 1988 (185:21), and it appeared on Spaf's list on April 28. It is possible that its unmoderated status was an accident. The 5 or so comp.binaries.* groups at the time were all moderated. A week after the result was posted, the proponent/votetaker posted a question to news.admin asking about how he c/would become the moderator of the group so that all postings would come to him. Note that creation pre-dates news.announce.newgroups, so the votetaker simply posted his "CFV" in news.groups and then sent them off to the backbone for consideration. There appears to have been some problems with people posting binaries to (later renamed to comp.sys.apple2), and perhaps the conclusion was that having the group in a separate sub-hierarchy was sufficient for traffic control at that time. The relevant archives regarding this group are available here: EXISTING CHARTER: The group has no charter other than the newsgroups line. END CHARTER. DISTRIBUTION: This RFD has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups comp.binaries.apple2 comp.sys.apple2 comp.sys.apple2.usergroups PROPONENT: Dave Sill <> and the Deadwood Task Force CHANGE HISTORY: 2006-06-21 Result completed. 2006-06-15 LCC posted. 2006-06-06 RFD drafted by Martin Moleski and Tim Skirvin. 2006-06-02 Draft submitted to DGTF and Big-8.