From Usenet Big-8 Management Board
From: Henrietta K Thomas <hkt(at)xnet DOT com> Subject: 3rd RFD: Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,, alt.comp.blind-users, Followup-To: news.groups Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 13:34:53 -0700 REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) unmoderated group This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the unmoderated Usenet newsgroup, NEWSGROUPS LINE: Living with visual impairment or blindness. RATIONALE: In 2002, the World Health Organization estimated that more than 161 million people were visually impaired, of which 124 million had low vision and 37 million were blind. These figures do not include millions more who are visually impaired due to uncorrected refractive error. It is not known how many of these blind/vi people use the Internet, but some estimates have been made. In 1999, for example, the US Bureau of the Census reported that roughly 1.5 million blind/vi people in the United States over the age of 15 claimed to have access to the Internet. There are thousands of websites for, about, and by vision-impaired people on the Internet. On or off the net, vision-impaired people have to deal with two different sets of problems: the medical aspects of their impaired vision, and the impact it has on their daily lives. appears to be a good place for discussing the medical aspects of impaired vision, but not necessarily for discussing ways and means of dealing with the personal side of the equation. is intended to fill that role. would be a place where vision impaired people, their relatives, friends, caregivers, teachers, and professionals in the field can get together to share experiences and exchange ideas on how to cope with the social aspects of impaired vision. There is plenty of interest in the general topic of impaired vision. An Advanced Groups Search on the phrase "visually impaired" gets 40,800 hits, of which 2,006 occurred in the last six months, and 458 occurred in the last three months. Similar results were obtained using similar phrases, such as "vision impaired", "legally blind", "visual impairment", etc. At first glance, the numbers for "visually impaired" look promising, but closer inspection reveals that this data was collected from 15 Google groups and only two Usenet groups: alt.comp.blind-users and (which doesn't have a short-line description and thus may not even be a valid group). The Usenet groups are both low volume groups originally created in the mid-1990s, but traffic has decreased in recent years. In the first five months of 2006, 394 articles were posted to the blind-users group and 97 to the group, for a grand total of 491 articles, or slightly more than three articles per day. There is traffic on vision impairment in other Usenet groups as well. alt.www.webmasters and some comp.* groups occasionally get articles related to vision impairment, as do groups related to medical conditions, such as diabetes, where vision loss is a problem. It is not possible to get an accurate count of such articles because they are so widely scattered around so many different groups. One purpose of is to provide a central location for some of this scattered discussion. Reaction to the first RFD was fairly positive. Suggestions were made and accepted for improvements to the Newsgroups line, Rationale, and Charter, and some posters expressed interest in using the group, to wit: "Well, I'd go for it, assuming the mailserver I subscribe to can be persuaded to take it." --Brian Gaff news:i_mgg.80467$ "I will be your number one contributor in any event." --Neil Brooks "I would heartily welcome an opportunity to become a member of a community of those dealing with vision challenges." --Aula "I wanted to say that I support the creation of this group. I cannot *guarantee* posting there because I have limited time on usenet, but I certainly will post *if* I have information to offer and the time to read once it is created." --toto "Make that two (three?). My husband is visually impaired, I have a difficult time finding information about his impairment, getting him to discuss it is like pulling teeth, and I'll be following this discussion/vote closely." --Victoria news:44e14$449604cb$d066138f$26055@FUSE.NET A poll was taken and five more people expressed an interest in using the group. One respondent was concerned that might have an adverse impact on the existing alt.* groups referred to above, but I think that has more to do with lack of propagation than unfair competiton, so I plan to make arrangements with users of those groups to issue booster control messages that might encourage more admins to carry those groups. I also plan to publicize /all/ the vision groups on my personal website complete with instructions how to find Usenet and subscribe. A Feedback section was added to the 2nd RFD, and a few more people expressed support for the group. There were also further suggestions made regarding the Newsgroups Line, Rationale, and Charter, all of which are included in this 3rd RFD. If created, I think this will be a useful group for people who have to learn to live with vision loss or blindness. It's always helpful to know that other people have the same problems you do, and that there's a place where you can meet them, swap stories, and offer moral support. It will probably start out a little slow, but I expect traffic to increase once the group is fully propagated. CHARTER: is an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup for the discussion of the personal and social aspects of being vision impaired, where "impaired vision" is loosely defined as "any visual impairment which significantly interferes with a person's ability to handle daily living tasks". The group is open to anyone who has a genuine interest in visual impairment, including fully sighted people. Blind/vi people, their families, friends, caregivers, teachers, and professionals in the field are especially encouraged to read and post to the group, to share experiences and exchange ideas on how to cope with impaired vision. Topics include: learning how to get around in the dark; using your other senses to compensate for vision loss; utilizing resources on and off the net; learning to cook and do household tasks; selecting and using various types of vision aids (both hi-tech and low-tech); selecting and using special hardware and software designed for the vision impaired. All types of vision impairment are on topic in this group, regardless of the underlying cause. Whether a person was born blind or lost his vision in an accident or due to a medical condition is immaterial. This group focuses on coping with the vision loss, not necessarily on the underlying cause. Medical topics should be posted to Where appropriate, articles may be crossposted or redirected to related groups in other hierarchies. Other posters are requested not to change the Newsgroups: line of such articles until and unless it appears that posters in the related group(s) are no longer following the thread. Posters are expected to abide by normal Usenet standards of conduct and to ignore articles intended to disrupt the group. The usual suspects are prohibited - spam, binaries, html, direct advertising, etc. PROCEDURE: The Big 8 newsgroup creation process is currently undergoing revision. Please refer to the newsgroup creation policies listed here: All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups. DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups alt.comp.blind-users The proponent will also post pointers to: alt.lasik-eyes misc.handicap soc.seniors PROPONENT: Henrietta K Thomas <hkt(at)xnet DOT com> CHANGE HISTORY: 2006-07-11 3rd RFD 2006-06-22 2nd RFD 2006-06-03 1st RFD, formatted by Tim Skirvin 2006-06-02 Received from hkt; replaces