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  • 19:13, 7 March 2025Minutes/2025-03-07 (hist | edit) ‎[3,581 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: RL, MM, TM * Administration ** {{news|comp.lang.asm.x86}} *** No response yet to RL's message to three volunteers asking for an update. RL has pinged the volunteers again on 2025-02-21; awaiting a response. ** news.groups.proposals *** The group's signing key uses the e-mail address Agreed to leave this as-is for now, as this is just an identifier. We can later consider adding a new identity with a new address, and/or upgr...")
  • 20:40, 28 February 2025Minutes/2025-02-28 (hist | edit) ‎[3,348 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: RL, MM, TM * Administration ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** RL has fixed a problem with approvals. Greg Pfeil has posted a message to say the group still works. RL posted a moderator found message to NGP and web page. TM to post the announcement to social media. Board to remind Greg on 25 April about migrating the moderation system to his own infrastructure. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Last contact from Dan Mahoney on 2024-10-26. Agreed to d...")
  • 17:41, 28 February 2025Signing key for news.admin.announce (hist | edit) ‎[1,829 bytes]Rayner Lucas (talk | contribs) (Page creation)
  • 17:26, 21 February 2025Minutes/2025-02-21 (hist | edit) ‎[2,328 bytes]Rayner Lucas (talk | contribs) (Page creation)
  • 20:17, 7 February 2025Minutes/2025-02-07 (hist | edit) ‎[1,699 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: TM, MM Apologies: RL * Administration ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** Still awaiting confirmation from Greg Pfeil that approvals are working again. RL wrote Greg Pfeil asking if we can post an announcement now; awaiting response. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Last contact from Dan Mahoney on 2024-10-26. Agreed to defer consideration a while longer. ** {{news|comp.lang.asm.x86}} *** No response yet to RL's message to three volunteers asking for a...")
  • 03:32, 2 February 2025Minutes/2025-01-31 (hist | edit) ‎[2,269 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: TM, MM, RL * Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** RL has informed the ISC so that the groups can be deleted. Russ Allbery has confirmed the control messages have been sent. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** Still awaiting confirmation from Greg Pfeil that approvals are working again. RL wrote Greg Pfeil asking if we can post an announcement now; awaiting response. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Las...")
  • 17:22, 24 January 2025Minutes/2025-01-24 (hist | edit) ‎[2,408 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: TM, MM, RL * Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** TM posted the result. RL to inform the ISC so that the groups can be deleted. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** Still awaiting confirmation from Greg Pfeil that approvals are working again. RL to write to Greg Pfeil asking if we can post an announcement now. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Last contact from Dan Mahoney on 2024-10-26. Agreed to defer...")
  • 20:11, 18 January 2025Minutes/2025-01-17 (hist | edit) ‎[3,301 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** TM to announce result of vote: 3 in favour of removing the groups; 1 not voting. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** Still awaiting confirmation from Greg Pfeil that approvals are working again. We can then announce this in {{news|news.groups.proposals}}. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Last contact from Dan Mahoney on 2024-10-26. Agreed to defer consideration a while long...")
  • 22:51, 10 January 2025Minutes/2025-01-10 (hist | edit) ‎[4,588 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** TM posted the LCC. Voting period runs from 2025-01-08 to 2025-01-15. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** RL informed ISC of new submission address. MM submitted a test message that was (correctly) rejected. Awaiting confirmation from Greg Pfeil that approvals are working again. We can then announce this in {{news|news.groups.proposals}}. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** L...")
  • 17:44, 3 January 2025Minutes/2025-01-03 (hist | edit) ‎[2,638 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: MM, RL, TM * Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** TM to post LCC, per Procedure to remove newsgroups#Moderated newsgroups. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** RL to inform ISC of new submission address. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Last contact from Dan Mahoney on 2024-10-26. Agreed to defer consideration a while longer. ** {{news|}} *** Last contact from Jay Henning on 202...")
  • 04:46, 21 December 2024Minutes/2024-12-20 (hist | edit) ‎[2,864 bytes]Rayner Lucas (talk | contribs) (Page creation)
  • 21:56, 13 December 2024Minutes/2024-12-13 (hist | edit) ‎[3,456 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: TM, MM, RL * Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** TM posted a 2nd RFD on 2024-12-06. Per Procedure to remove newsgroups#Moderated newsgroups, agreed to let this run for a further week with a view to posting a LCC on 2024-12-20. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** Greg Pfeil has accepted our offer to temporarily host the moderation infrastructure. RL to attend to this this week. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns...")
  • 17:54, 6 December 2024Minutes/2024-12-06 (hist | edit) ‎[4,357 bytes]Tristan Miller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Present: TM, MM * Administration ** {{news|}} and {{news|}} *** No further activity on the RFD. Agreed to decide at next meeting (with RL) whether to proceed with a deletion vote. ** {{news|comp.sys.wearables}} *** No response yet from Greg Pfeil to RL's offer of 2024-11-15 to (temporarily) host a STUMP installation for the group, pending setup of his own moderation system. ** {{news|comp.protocols.dns.bind}} *** Last contact...")